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100 days of writing

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. I'm not entirely sure how scientifically sound that still is. (Apparently, that idea has been around since the 1960s...) But I'd like to see for myself.

Since I packed up my life and moved to a new city thousands of miles across the globe, I've had a whirlwind of a year go by in what now seems to be no more than two blinks. I sit here now, wondering where the time went. When so much seems to have happened but my recollection only comes up with hazy dream-like memories, I question if a certain memory had actually taken place in reality or in an afternoon nap dream.

"Words are a lens to focus one's mind."

In an attempt to chronicle my thoughts and memories, I endeavor to form a habit of writing. Not only to remember things properly or have them formally written down so I could go back to them at a later date, but also to help my brain pause and process some of the million thoughts that fly about in my head every single day. Ayn Rand's words resonate the purpose for which I begin this 100 day journey of writing.

Not just 21 too, but a clear and even hundred. So by the end of it, I hopefully wouldn't only have formed a new habit, but also have discovered a new way in which I could look back and learn from the lessons that life teaches everyday.

By purposefully seeking out what matters enough to write about, I hope to train myself to find the beauty in even the ugliest of days, to discover the joy to be found in the mundane, to find the adventure in the most unlikely places, to treasure the moments that create excitement, to learn to weed out the unnecessary and the excess, only to focus on the things that truly matter.

And by realizing what the things that truly matter are, I hope to form my thoughts into convictions, and my convictions into actions so that along my journey, I am able to help others through helping myself.

I embark on this journey initially by and for myself. But if you happen to come along for the ride, I gladly welcome you with open arms (See pictured. hah.) and hope that from this, you may take a little extra light into your life.

P.S. To my 100th day self, congratulations. I know I would've had a successful journey if you are reading this with a knowing smile, albeit with a little cringing on the side. No matter where you are in life now, keep going. Keep learning. Now go; you've more adventures to set upon!

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